Norfloc NF1®

Inorganic coagulant based on nanotechnology

New inorganic coagulant that optimizes operation and can replace the traditional metal salts.

Norfloc NF1 is a new inorganic coagulant based on nanotechnology, specially developed to replace the use of the traditional precipitating chemicals, at far lower dosages. Use of NF1 increases efficiency and improves the operating economy of the municipal treatment plants.

Key benefits

Results with Norfloc NF1

Damhusåen RA is a major wastewater treatment plant in Copenhagen. For a longer period, they had great challenges with the sludge properties of the treatment plant, which at times has caused the system to be difficult to stabilize and control.

In April 2020, Alumichem, in collaboration with BIOFOS, started a full-scale trial on one of the 4 lines at the Damhusåen, where iron chloride has been replaced with Norfloc NF1.

After just 3 weeks of operation with Norfloc NF1, the following is observed:

The improved sludge properties when using NF1 mean that sludge levels are kept stably low, even at the maximum hydraulic capacity of the system.

Maximum utilization of the hydraulic capacity reduces the need for bypass to a minimum.

Do you need help choosing the right coagulant

Your local Alumichem partner will be happy to help you select the best solution for your process or wastewater.

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Experts in optimising coagulation processes in the treatment of wastewater.

Used in Applications

Wastewater treatment

Stay in compliance, stabilize your wastewater treatment plant, and improve your overall operations...

Industrial wastewater treatment

Solutions for removing all pollutants from the wastewater.