Nordisk Aluminat skifter navn til Alumichem A/S

Welcome to Alumichem A/S! As of today, Denmark-based Nordisk Aluminat A/S is changing its name to Alumichem A/S.

New global strategy will secure growth

Alumichem’s new name is an important step in the company’s global strategy. The name will better reflect Alumichem’s brand identity, global approach, and continuous innovation and improvement. ”We are proud of our history, heritage, company culture, and strong customer base, while we are also determined to move forward and accelerate the growth by extending our manufacturing facilities, developing new highly demanded products and expanding the network of strategic partnerships around the globe,” says Mr. Jens Husted Kjær, CEO of Alumichem A/S.

The vision for a greener environment is global

Alumichem A/S develops and produces high quality functional aluminates for use in water purification processes, concrete industry, paper pulp industry as well as a wide range of various industrial production processes. Alumichem’s vision and purpose is to contribute to a cleaner and healthier environment by building long term partnerships with global customers and suppliers as well as to secure top quality and environmentally friendly water treatment chemicals. The company is particular renowned for its product ICE & DUST-AWAY which has been granted the nordic eco label, Svanemærket. Today, 70% of Alumichem’s manufacturing is exported to markets world wide, including the rest of Scandinavia, the EU, South America and the African continent.

New global plants in the pipeline

Alumichem A/S’ new name will therefore better emphasize the company’s global approach. The new name and brand identity will be visible on the company’s web site and through a new logo starting as of today. ”Alumichem will be easier for non-native Danish speakers to pronounce. At the same time, the name will also reflect our core competence which is aluminum based speciality chemicals,” says CEO Jens Husted Kjær and continues: ”With the new name, we are convinced that we can grow our business internationally and put Denmark on the map. We are planning to build new manufacturing plants in strategic places globally”.

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